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Lori Lust on Janice Dikinson show National TV twice
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Lori Lust on Janice Dickinson show 2x National TV

Lori Lust was on National mainstream TV twice infront of millions of viewers last 2 weeks due to the Janice Dickinson show on Oxygen TV.

She even had so much exposure that Janice even announced her whole name during the TV interview. Many compliments came from the mouth of Janice Dickinson the Super Model as she analyzed Miss Lusts entire body and presence. This was the same interview where Janice completely bashed the entire line of 20 girls before getting to Lori Lust.

What might shock the entire world is the girl who's known as the best body in the Industry actually received the stamp of approval to be on the show as one of the finalists before her director came in the room. He said she had to be over 5'7" tall. But the director said her body and beauty was amazing and she would be perfect for pinup, lingerie or fitness modeling during the interview.

We asked Lori Lust what she thought of the whole entire ordeal and she said,

"I was so happy she didn't bash me like she did all the other models. One playboy model she ripped to shreds and made her cry right before she talked to me so she can be mean if she doesn't like what she sees. I felt so honored when she picked me for the show. The crew interviewed me and my promoter like four 15 minute spots so I think I might be on the show some more times before it's over.

Janice Dickinson still said she loved my look and personality and felt I was perfect for TV. She then added that she might use me on some reality shows that she has coming up. Janice took all my information, modeling cards, plus two workout videos and gave me a hug. Kinda neat experience when you consider the 7 hour line I didn't have to wait in. Either way for Janice Dickinson to like me that much it made my day."

So Lori Lust scores high ranks again with approval on National TV. She is one of the few porn stars that has the presence and ability to please the mainstream elite. Not only her body but her personality seem to win the hearts of even the hardest critics.

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